Dr. Travis Porco's Research

During the past year Fengchen Liu and Dr. Porco worked with the Lietman group here at Proctor as well as the Partnership for Rapid Elimination of Trachoma (PI: Sheila West, Johns Hopkins) continued our work in estimating the efficacy of mass azithromycin distribution in eliminating trachoma infection in Tanzania.

This work includes an analysis of transmission dynamics in Tanzania over several years, showing that transmission did not seem to intensify over time and helping to allay fears that loss of immunity due to successful control would undermine our efforts in the future. 

Daozhou Gao, who began with our group in June 2012, analyzed a game theoretic model of drug resistance in the two-infection setting, extending earlier work begun by Tom Lietman and Travis Porco.  This model was designed to provide insight into macrolide resistant pneumococcus resulting from trachoma elimination programs.

Nick Sippl-Swezey, who began in July 2012, developed a game theoretic model of cooperation during contact investigations, and is also funded to work with the Office of Science Education and the MIDAS program (Modeling Infectious Disease Agent Study) to develop educational modules for teaching epidemiology.

Sarah Ackley, who began in September 2012, is developing a transmission model of tuberculosis, in collaboration with our colleague Jim Scott.  

Wayne Enanoria and Fengchen Liu developed a simulation model for measles contact investigation, to determine which intervention components are most cost-effective under different vaccine coverage levels.

Click here to see Dr. Porco's publications.

Travis Porco Lab Personnel 

Sarah Ackley
Asst. Study Coordinator

Seth Blumberg, MD, PhD
Visiting Fellow

Wayne Enanoria, PhD
Research Scientist

Daozhou Gao, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Fengchen Liu, MS
Associate Specialist

Nick Sippl-Swezey
Associate Specialist