
The F.I. Proctor Foundation endowment provides base support for the Foundation. Gifts to the endowment are critical because they provide the financial security of permanent funding that:

  • Makes the difference between a faculty that is merely good and one that leads the way
  • Separates ordinary research programs from those that redefine how problems are approached and solved
  • Helps speed laboratory discoveries into new clinical therapies
  • Creates educational opportunities sought by students the world over
  • Provides for state-of-the-art tools for scientists, guaranteeing that possibilities for discoveries are never stunted for want of equipment

Endowed Giving Opportunities

Endowment for Excellence - $1,000,000

Endowments for excellence give donors the opportunity to fund an area of deep personal interest. These endowments typically support an outstanding program that would be enhanced by permanent, stable sources of funding, thus eliminating or reducing the need to constantly write or renew grants.

Endowed Chair - $500,000

Endowed chairs honor their holders by recognizing past achievements and future potential. Because it is honorary and permanent, this type of endowment plays a vital role in sustaining a first-rate faculty. Further gifts to endowed chairs can grow these endowments to the level of distinguished professorships, which provide even greater honor and support.

Faculty Fellowship - $250,000

Faculty fellowships provide ongoing support for junior-level faculty as they establish research careers, gain teaching experience and provide patient care. These endowments can enhance the productivity of a young researcher or help nurture a great teacher, encouraging them to remain in education.

Research Fund - $100,000

Endowed research funds support faculty members or graduate students pursuing promising areas of scientific inquiry or enable the exploration of new and unexpected investigative opportunities. Research funds can provide a steady stream of revenue for otherwise unfunded work.

General Endowment - $50,000

Nearly any area of education, research or clinical care can benefit from a general endowment. Income from this type of fund may be restricted to a particular purpose or directed to the University’s most pressing needs.