Cornea clinic

Gerami Seitzman, MD
Director, Proctor Clinic

Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH

Matilda Chan, MD, PhD
The UCSF Corneal Disease and Surgery Clinic offers laser refractive surgery, including excimer laser surgery, to correct common vision problems; cornea transplants (also called keratoplasty), in which part of a damaged cornea is replaced with corneal tissue from a donor; intraocular lens implants, which replace an abnormal lens with an artificial implant; glaucoma surgery; and other procedures involving the retina or vitreous body (the viscous material in the back of the eye).
Doctor referral is required.
The clinic is staffed by Drs. Seitzman, Keenan, and Chan, and postdoctoral fellowship ophthalmologists.
Clinic Phone Number: (415) 476-1442
Please fax clinical chart notes, copy of insurance card(s), and the referral form to (FAX) 415-502-2521.
We thank you for referring your patient to the Proctor Foundation at UCSF.